Rajasthan high court(hcraj) junior judicial assistant and clerk (LDC) exam answer key and expected cut off marks held on 15-05-2016
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Expected cut off:-
above 50% all candidates will be selected for typing as mentioned in notification and 15* candidates will be called for typing test
Typing test info:- speed test + efficiency test total 100 marks 50 marks each
But if no. Of candidates is very high then cut off will be 60%-70% because there is no negative marking....
So best of luck to all....
आज 5 बजे प्रकाशित होने जा रहा है| सभी प्रार्थी अपना REET 2016 Result ऑनलाइन जान सकते है| REET 2016 Result 19 मई को ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर प्रकाशित होगा|